Friday, March 26, 2010

Mobile Health and Computing

Here's a conversation I had the other night with my wife:
  • Wife: What do you mean by "mobile health computing"?
  • Me: I'm talking about the use of mobile computers in health care. I'm blogging about tablet PCs, netbooks, small computers, and lately I've been writing about the Apple iPad.
  • Wife: If you're just blogging about gadgets, why don't you rename your site iStuff? 
  • Me: Well, I think someone's probably already taken the URL Besides, I'm not just blogging about computers. I'm writing about how mobile computers are changing health care. 
  • Wife: Isn't that what is about?  
  • Me: Yes, but covers broader issues, including advances in health care and also health IT. 
  • Wife: You should start a blog about health IT. No one knows what to do with EHRs right now.  All these doctors don't know which EHR system to buy. You should write about that.
  • Me: You want me to start another blog???
I'm paraphrasing, but that conversation made me wonder: when will mobile computing really take off?  Will 2010 be the year of the tablet? Will the Apple iPad generate enough buzz and excitement about the slate form factor? Will small computers infiltrate the health care industry to the point that they become ubiquitous?

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